
So entwickelt sich Flyo - Update #193 🤩

So entwickelt sich Flyo - Update #193 🤩

Bist du neugierig, was es bei Flyo Neues gibt – und was sich geändert hat? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Angezeigt werden jeweils die letzten 5 Updates. Den gesamten Changelog findest du hier.

Update #193 (24.07.2024)

  • [app] You can now sort the "dynamic information" mapping field in both grid and list views for entities.

  • [app] Enhanced the onboarding process: if the authentication challenge expires, a login button will appear, redirecting you back to the onboarding process.

  • [app] Fields defined as i18n have undergone a UX overhaul. Only the first language is visible by default, and the other languages can be toggled, significantly reducing the length of forms with i18n fields.

  • [app] The image and YouTube insert buttons are deprecated. Instead, custom element templates for image and YouTube are available, reducing unnecessary default elements for certain use cases.

  • [app] Introduced a new YouTube field type, allowing the insertion of YouTube videos with a preview image and an embeddable link.

  • [app] Fixed an issue where language-dependent pages were unavailable in the Nitro CMS page selector.

  • [app] Fixed an issue where legacy blocks appeared incorrectly in the blocks overview (grayed out).

  • [app] Fixed an issue where the "visibility" dialog always appeared for all fields when a new field was added to an entity.

  • [app] Removed the web builder integration type when creating new integrations, as it is deprecated and will be removed soon.

  • [api] Dropdown fields are now automatically included in the list of filter attributes in the grid view.

  • [api] Added a new endpoint to resolve integration details, replacing the need for complex expansions.

  • [api] Removed the deprecated JSON-LD from the model response. It is now placed in its own JSON-LD section key for entity responses.

  • [api] The content pool field type now includes the online items count in API responses.

  • [api] Improved API performance for Nitro CMS page preview requests, which update the Nitro page content for the development token.

  • [api] Ensured a consistent default behavior for checkbox list field types, always returning an object with values, options, and labels, even if they are empty.

  • [api] Added a missing rule attribute to the create and update form to include min/max length counters in the app.

  • [api] Fixed the organization dashboard when a SoMe channel is missing in the schedule timings list.

  • [api] Newly created organizations now have a default prepaid credit amount.

  • [api] Switched to the new GPT-4o-mini model for faster responses and lower costs.

  • [api] Until the web builder integration is dropped, the development token for Nitro CMS won't track any requests, reducing credit usage when developers work on the website. The development token should never be used in production due to slow response times, which result in slow websites.

Update #192 (10.07.2024)

  • [app] Added new configuration options for entity fields: "required when" and "visible when" conditions.

  • [app] When adding an image to the WYSIWYG editor, copyright and caption/title information will now be included.

  • [app] Refactored create and update forms for entities to improve performance.

  • [api] Improved OpenAPI example code documentation for image and file field types in SDK Integration.

  • [api] Added a new endpoint for entity-based forms to render and build all information on the server side.

  • [api] Introduced a new entity field option to make a field required only if a specific condition is met based on another field.

  • [api] Introduced a new entity field option to make a field visible only if a specific condition is met based on another field.

Update #191 (21.06.2024)

  • [app] The Flyo help sidebar now searches within the help.flyo.cloud documentation, providing more and better results for any problems.

  • [app] Automation triggers and schedule information are now displayed in a Focusboard widget.

  • [app] Clicking on the edit icon in the list of entities (grid or list view) now directly opens the edit form, instead of the dashboard.

  • [app] Info modals are now referenced to the new help.flyo.cloud documentation.

  • [app] I18n proposals are now correctly displayed, showing only the changes made to the given languages.

  • [app] When a Nitro integration block has no config, content, or items, a message is displayed and the UX has been improved.

  • [app] Fixed issue with Nitro preview frame language context for the default (home) page.

  • [api] Replaced the internal wiki with the help.flyo.cloud documentation.

  • [api] Ensured an organization always has a default language, even if there is just one language.

  • [api] Removed files for the "fixed entity" concept, so no activities are created for file changes anymore.

  • [api] The new proposal system can now handle i18n field diffs.

  • [api] Fixed issue where it was not possible for integration editors to update integration content pools due to missing permissions.

Update #190 (14.06.2024)

  • [app] The content pool filters option has been relocated behind an icon, with default filters added for creator, status, and crosscheck status.

  • [app] Added the organisation name to the new proposal email dialog, allowing it to be sent to the proposal creator.

  • [app] Display the column bar chart legend even if there is only a single entry. This helps users understand the data shown on the chart.

  • [app] Enhanced the file upload dialog to always allow adding new files after uploading.

  • [app] Fixed a bug that prevented configuration settings in Nitro page properties under certain conditions.

  • [app] Venue integration now allows optional fields to be shown or hidden.

  • [app] Integrity checks can now be enabled or disabled for specific entities.

  • [api] Added new entity filters for grid views.

  • [api] Changed the Nitro JSON-LD response to an Article instead of a Thing, adding more default values.

  • [api] Removed URL check integrity tests due to numerous incorrect test results for pages behind certain CDN systems like Cloudflare, Vercel, Netlify, etc.

  • [api] Improved language handling in multilingual Nitro integration setups. Default pages for each language are now possible, meaning entries like fr and en can be used, with the primary language home page being an "empty" slug.

  • [api] Original uploaded files are now kept intact if they fall within a certain max pixel density range, ensuring they are not modified and can be used for other purposes.

  • [connect] Updated to the latest LinkedIn API version.

  • [webbuilder] Adopted the new Article-based JSON-LD schema for detail pages.

Update #189 (06.06.2024)

  • [app] Launched a new proposal API, enabling email notifications for proposal creators and featuring a redesigned user interface.

  • [app] Enhanced activity log details for images and text areas.

  • [api] Developed a new proposal API.

  • [api] Disabled URL integrity checks due to the high volume of failing requests, reducing unwanted notifications.

Update #188 (31.05.2024)

  • [app] You can now sort entity form designer sections using drag and drop.

  • [api] Various performance and stability improvements have been made to the venue API. Additionally, a new OpenAPI endpoint is available in beta for the venue API, enabling integration without the need for the Embed Code.

  • [api] A password strength validator has been added for creating team members.

  • [api] Fixed a bug where users did not receive an email when a new team member was created.

  • [api] Fixed an issue where a Nitro CMS page path appeared in the list of valid paths (in the config request) despite the page being offline.

  • [api] Enhanced error messages for password reset and login forms.

  • [api] Improved the token comparison function to address case sensitivity issues.

  • [venue] The venue system now supports the new pool-based entity/entities field configuration.

  • [venue] Removed deprecated entity types (POI and events) from the embed system code.

Update #187 (24.05.2024)

  • [app] The new pool-based entity/entities field configuration is now available in the nitro configuration of elements.

  • [app] Pool-based selections are now respected in data condition configurations.

  • [app] Display more accurate error messages in the login flow to reflect the strengthened security requirements and inform users of specific issues.

  • [app] Added a new button next to devices for users to delete a device from their account.

  • [api] Made minor adjustments to the invalidation process of lockouts during login.

  • [api] Enhanced security for validating user and WSS tokens.

  • [api] Implemented new password spray protection across all login masks.

  • [api] Updated the link field type normalizer to include "raw" and "href" output values, with corresponding updates to the OpenAPI description.

  • [api] Fixed an issue that prevented the sending of user digest emails.

Update #186 (18.05.2024)

  • [app] The user devices list now indicates which device is currently being used, enhancing device management visibility.

  • [app] Enhanced the challenge-based authentication flow for logging out or switching teams, improving overall security and user experience.

  • [app] Team administrators can no longer update the settings of a team member (such as email, 2FA, notifications, etc.). This change ensures that only the user can update these settings, and it is properly validated for added security.

  • [app] Introduced a new email change interface, requiring a verification token, available under the "security" tab of "my profile," to streamline and secure the email update process.

  • [app] Removing the OTP token now requires entering the current OTP token, ensuring an added layer of security during this operation.

  • [app] Setting up an OTP token now displays the secret, which can be used instead of scanning the QR code. This feature is useful for password managers that do not support QR code scanning, enhancing usability.

  • [api] When a new organization is created, 2FA is now enabled by default to ensure enhanced security from the outset.

  • [api] Reduced API token lifetime to a maximum of 3 weeks to minimize potential security risks associated with long-lived tokens.

  • [api] After a password change, all other devices and tokens will be invalidated to prevent unauthorized access with old credentials.

  • [api] Implemented various security enhancements and bug fixes to maintain and improve system integrity.

  • [api] Added new WebSocket tokens for improved security and more robust real-time communication.

  • [api] Users are now temporarily locked out after multiple failed login attempts, helping to prevent brute force attacks.

  • [api] Changing the email address now requires confirmation through a token sent to the old email address, ensuring the user is aware of changes to their account.

  • [api] Improved the lockout system for all user-based forms, token lifetime management, and ensured tokens are used only once to enhance overall security.

  • [api] Files uploaded through the venue process are now stored for 12 hours. If not used within that time frame, they will be automatically removed to save storage space and maintain data hygiene.

  • [api] Fixed an issue where the file size was not properly calculated after the original file was reduced to a smaller, optimized version, ensuring accurate file management.

  • [api] Updated to use the latest GPT-4 model for all OpenAI requests, providing more advanced AI capabilities.

  • [venue] Improved the logout mechanism for venue users, ensuring a smoother and more secure logout process.

  • [socket] A new WSS token is now required for all WebSocket connections, enhancing the security of real-time data exchanges.

Update #185 (11.05.2024)

  • [app] Introduce an option to define a specific content pool for entity relations, rather than defaulting to "all data." This adjustment enables users to refine relation dropdowns to a manageable dataset.

  • [app] File size information has been added to the file detail modal and is now displayed in the file manager’s table view, which supports sorting by file size.

  • [app] The preview URL text area features new clickable buttons that facilitate the insertion of entity-based variables.

  • [app] The "administrators" tab within entity details is now hidden when the user lacks edit permissions.

  • [api] Deprecated fixed social tags entity with an added option to hide them when no longer in use.

  • [api] Implemented several security enhancements and bug fixes.

  • [api] Image upload functionality now includes a check for maximum pixel density.

  • [api] Enabled uploading of common video formats, including MP4, WebM, and OGG.

  • [api] Strengthened password policies have been implemented across all user accounts.

  • [storage] Resolved an issue where creating thumbnails of images was impossible under certain conditions.

  • [payment] Enhanced the login process on the payment page with new RBAC and reCAPTCHA checks.

Update #184 (04.05.2024)

  • [app] Added a new feature to crop images based on various aspect ratios (16/9, 9/16, 3/2, 2/3, 1/1) within the file manager.

  • [app] Enhanced the responsiveness of the mapping system, notably in the Mailjet content integration. Changes to variable labels are now immediately updated in the mapping system.

  • [app] Updated the navigation drawer to reposition the user button at the bottom and modify the settings icon.

  • [app] Enhanced the content pool swapping overlay for use in integrations, allowing for changes to the content source in production APIs without the need to generate a new API URL.

  • [api] Reverted the default parameter sort order in the Nitro CMS integration to address issues with the parameter sorting in the PHP SDK.

  • [api] Resolved an issue in the Nitro integration where changes were not triggered when using content pool mapping within a block slot.

Update #183 (26.04.2024)

  • [app] The AI Copilot functionality can now be activated directly from the edit form. This feature is exclusively available to managers enrolled in the beta program, as it necessitates pre-storing values for AI use and may lead to increased operational costs.

  • [app] Addressed various dark mode compatibility issues within the Konsole application.

  • [api] Resolved a discrepancy in the entity activity logger where non-modified activities were mistakenly recorded.

  • [api] To avoid 413 errors in the mailjet integration and reduce server load, we now remove comments from large MJML previews to decrease the API payload size.

  • [api] Enhanced language management in Nitro CMS for multilingual pages. The lang parameter is now accurately recognized and processed in i18n setups.

  • [api] Corrected an issue that made it impossible to create language-specific slug pages like fr/ without an obligatory trailing slash. The expected format is now simply fr.

Update #182 (19.04.2024)

  • [app] Enhanced the files/images field type to support faster image loading and ensure that rate limiting is not exceeded when managing a large number of files/images.

  • [app] The global search functionality has been significantly enhanced to support filtering by entity types. This refinement allows for more targeted searches of specific entity types, simplifying the process of finding the desired content.

  • [app] Resolved an issue in the Nitro integration that previously prevented the creation of new entity detail mappings under certain conditions.

  • [app] Added the option to sort variables in the Mailjet content newsletter integration.

  • [app] The template in the Mailjet content newsletter integration is now collapsed by default and can be expanded, which simplifies navigation to the next button in large templates.

  • [api] Improved the performance of payload processing for the MJML preview API.

  • [api] Enhanced readability in the responses generated by the AI Copilot when including quotes.

  • [api] Removed the obsolete Jobcloud entity.

Update #181 (12.04.2024)

  • [app] Fully integrated the new "dynamic value" feature across various views including search, grid view, list view, curated content pool view, and cross-check review list. Enabling the dynamic value feature is now essential for displaying teaser or time information in these "overview" views.

  • [app] Enabled a validation option for multiple input field type attributes, allowing the use of validation rules within the multiple input field type.

  • [app] Prevented the publication of offline pages in the nitro integration preview frame.

  • [app] Renamed Co-Pilot to AI Copilot for better clarity regarding the feature's purpose.

  • [app] Concealed the "no connection" alert during layout loading.

  • [api] Enhanced API response times for organization dashboard loading.

  • [api] Achieved significant performance improvements in generating large content pool data, particularly with WYSIWYG fields.

  • [api] Updated search endpoints to include queries for the new dynamic value feature.

  • [api] Improved the handling of outdated items in Algolia integration by employing the "replace all objects" method.

  • [api] Rectified a bug that led to the accidental indexing of offline pages in the nitro integration sitemap.

Update #180 (05.04.2024)

  • [app] Introduced an option to sort the content pool mapping fields within Nitro integration.

  • [app] Enhanced the user interface for Flyo Co-Pilot, making buttons and toggles more intuitive and revising text for better user comprehension of the feature.

  • [app] Refined the copy-and-paste functionality for inserting content into mapping fields.

  • [app] Added a visual indicator in the entity fields overview to denote the availability of a field for Flyo Co-Pilot.

  • [app] Concealed view and social media buttons for offline entity rows, as their content is inaccessible externally.

  • [api] Eliminated a fixed real estate entity imported from Immomapper.

  • [api] Resolved an issue where the entity title was absent in the entity log dashboard.

  • [api] Addressed a bug preventing the creation of new Flyo team members under specific conditions.

  • [api] Corrected a scenario where a Nitro integration could mistakenly authenticate as a webbuilder page using an outdated, unused domain.

  • [api] Enhanced the new automation feature with additional missing translations.

Update #179 (28.03.2024)

  • [app] Introduced a new feature enabling dynamic assignment of values to list views via mapping technology, making these values visible across all grid lists, dropdowns, and hover cards.

  • [app] Removed the option to set social tags for files in anticipation of the retirement of the generic social tags entity.

  • [app] Launched a beta version of the new Flyo co-pilot for users who opt into beta testing. This feature allows for the enhancement and automation of content values using the OpenAI GPT model directly within Flyo, offering full automation (triggered by every creation and update event), semi-automation (triggered only upon creation), or manual operation (activated by user command).

  • [app] Updated the JSON field type to support array values in addition to objects, facilitating the storage of raw JSON data, such as that generated by the new co-pilot.

  • [app] Added a hint indicator next to the entity status for offline entities with designated venue admins who retain editing visibility and capabilities.

  • [app] Introduced a badge count on the entity administrators tab to display the total number of admin users.

  • [app] Implemented a new 'tel' attribute field type.

  • [app] Enhanced the content pool list view with a new filter option, enabling the display or hiding of content pools specific to an entity.

  • [api] Resolved a limitation issue with forced content pools under certain conditions.

  • [api] Expanded the ignore list for link checks to include Vimeo and other widely-used sites.

  • [api] Refined the integration creation process for maps or contact syncs, now suggesting only entities with relevant email or address/lat/lng field types.

  • [api] Corrected an SDK error handling issue where a 404 Not Found Exception was not triggered when an item could not be found using its ID or unique identifier.

  • [venue] Enabled venue users who are entity administrators to view and edit offline items, extending their editing capabilities into the venue domain.

  • [venue] Added a new 'tel' attribute field type to the venue settings.