April 19, 2024

So entwickelt sich Flyo - Update #182 🤩

So entwickelt sich Flyo - Update #182 🤩

Bist du neugierig, was es bei Flyo Neues gibt – und was sich geändert hat? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Angezeigt werden jeweils die letzten 5 Updates. Den gesamten Changelog findest du hier.

Update #182 (19.04.2024)

  • [app] Enhanced the files/images field type to support faster image loading and ensure that rate limiting is not exceeded when managing a large number of files/images.

  • [app] The global search functionality has been significantly enhanced to support filtering by entity types. This refinement allows for more targeted searches of specific entity types, simplifying the process of finding the desired content.

  • [app] Resolved an issue in the Nitro integration that previously prevented the creation of new entity detail mappings under certain conditions.

  • [app] Added the option to sort variables in the Mailjet content newsletter integration.

  • [app] The template in the Mailjet content newsletter integration is now collapsed by default and can be expanded, which simplifies navigation to the next button in large templates.

  • [api] Improved the performance of payload processing for the MJML preview API.

  • [api] Enhanced readability in the responses generated by the AI Copilot when including quotes.

  • [api] Removed the obsolete Jobcloud entity.

Update #181 (12.04.2024)

  • [app] Fully integrated the new "dynamic value" feature across various views including search, grid view, list view, curated content pool view, and cross-check review list. Enabling the dynamic value feature is now essential for displaying teaser or time information in these "overview" views.

  • [app] Enabled a validation option for multiple input field type attributes, allowing the use of validation rules within the multiple input field type.

  • [app] Prevented the publication of offline pages in the nitro integration preview frame.

  • [app] Renamed Co-Pilot to AI Copilot for better clarity regarding the feature's purpose.

  • [app] Concealed the "no connection" alert during layout loading.

  • [api] Enhanced API response times for organization dashboard loading.

  • [api] Achieved significant performance improvements in generating large content pool data, particularly with WYSIWYG fields.

  • [api] Updated search endpoints to include queries for the new dynamic value feature.

  • [api] Improved the handling of outdated items in Algolia integration by employing the "replace all objects" method.

  • [api] Rectified a bug that led to the accidental indexing of offline pages in the nitro integration sitemap.

Update #180 (05.04.2024)

  • [app] Introduced an option to sort the content pool mapping fields within Nitro integration.

  • [app] Enhanced the user interface for Flyo Co-Pilot, making buttons and toggles more intuitive and revising text for better user comprehension of the feature.

  • [app] Refined the copy-and-paste functionality for inserting content into mapping fields.

  • [app] Added a visual indicator in the entity fields overview to denote the availability of a field for Flyo Co-Pilot.

  • [app] Concealed view and social media buttons for offline entity rows, as their content is inaccessible externally.

  • [api] Eliminated a fixed real estate entity imported from Immomapper.

  • [api] Resolved an issue where the entity title was absent in the entity log dashboard.

  • [api] Addressed a bug preventing the creation of new Flyo team members under specific conditions.

  • [api] Corrected a scenario where a Nitro integration could mistakenly authenticate as a webbuilder page using an outdated, unused domain.

  • [api] Enhanced the new automation feature with additional missing translations.

Update #179 (28.03.2024)

  • [app] Introduced a new feature enabling dynamic assignment of values to list views via mapping technology, making these values visible across all grid lists, dropdowns, and hover cards.

  • [app] Removed the option to set social tags for files in anticipation of the retirement of the generic social tags entity.

  • [app] Launched a beta version of the new Flyo co-pilot for users who opt into beta testing. This feature allows for the enhancement and automation of content values using the OpenAI GPT model directly within Flyo, offering full automation (triggered by every creation and update event), semi-automation (triggered only upon creation), or manual operation (activated by user command).

  • [app] Updated the JSON field type to support array values in addition to objects, facilitating the storage of raw JSON data, such as that generated by the new co-pilot.

  • [app] Added a hint indicator next to the entity status for offline entities with designated venue admins who retain editing visibility and capabilities.

  • [app] Introduced a badge count on the entity administrators tab to display the total number of admin users.

  • [app] Implemented a new 'tel' attribute field type.

  • [app] Enhanced the content pool list view with a new filter option, enabling the display or hiding of content pools specific to an entity.

  • [api] Resolved a limitation issue with forced content pools under certain conditions.

  • [api] Expanded the ignore list for link checks to include Vimeo and other widely-used sites.

  • [api] Refined the integration creation process for maps or contact syncs, now suggesting only entities with relevant email or address/lat/lng field types.

  • [api] Corrected an SDK error handling issue where a 404 Not Found Exception was not triggered when an item could not be found using its ID or unique identifier.

  • [venue] Enabled venue users who are entity administrators to view and edit offline items, extending their editing capabilities into the venue domain.

  • [venue] Added a new 'tel' attribute field type to the venue settings.

Update #178 (22.03.2024)

  • [app] Introduced a new "offline" dialog that activates when users lose their connection to the websocket. This feature is crucial as the websocket manages user data conflicts (when users are editing the same information). Users will now see a prominent red alert when there is no connection. Moreover, enhancements to the websocket's reconnection mechanism should decrease the frequency of "offline" statuses.

  • [app] Pasting of YouTube videos into the Wysiwyg editor has been disabled because the URLs provided do not constitute valid embed codes.

  • [app] Reduced the throttle time for typing and searching within entity-related form fields, enhancing user experience.

  • [app] Addressed a bug in multiple integrations where the "unsaved changes" alert would erroneously appear even after data had been recently saved.

  • [app] The entity connection tabs now additionally display the field label alongside the target entity name, providing clearer context.

  • [api] Enhanced file upload validation to prevent uploads with empty names despite having valid suffixes. Furthermore, the file name's hash has been relocated to the beginning, rather than the end, facilitating more accurate file name parsing, especially in names with underscores.

  • [api] Resolved an issue where the nitro integration failed to remove deleted pages from the sitemap index. Additionally, redirect pages are no longer included in the index.

  • [api] Decommissioned legacy metric request tracking APIs following the shutdown of all legacy "static" entities.

  • [api] The venue integration now supports the entities field and guarantees that only entries not marked as trash are returned.

  • [venue] Eliminated floating labels to unify the user interface experience.

  • [venue] Expanded field type options to include entities, radiolist, checkbox and wysiwyg.

  • [storage] Extended the default cache duration for images to one year, aiming to boost the efficiency of image retrieval.

Update #177 (15.03.2024)

  • [app] Fixed an issue with incorrect links in Nitro CMS when setting up a link that is a child page of a parent page.

  • [app] Addressed an Algolia integration problem where the content pool index was missing.

  • [app] Introduced a new Zendesk hold status feature.

  • [app] Enhanced handling of schemas and schema searching when identifying entities.

  • [app] Resolved a bug preventing the sorting of files/images when utilized as a custom element within the WYSIWYG editor.

  • [api] Upgraded the file manager search API to include filtering options for arrays of files/images, not just individual files/images.

  • [api] Refined the automated content pool management for situations with unchecked checkboxes.

  • [api] Advanced the process of transforming schema into schema fields.

  • [api] Corrected a problem where Nitro pages used as absolute links, which are also child pages of a parent page, had the parent page slug prefixed incorrectly.

  • [storage] Enhanced the client-side caching duration for images and files to improve performance.

  • [payment] Now, following a successful payment, users receive a link enabling them to download their bill and receipt.

Update #176 (08.03.2024)

  • [app] Addressed an issue where specific color settings under certain organizational conditions could cause errors when charts are displayed, ensuring a smoother and more reliable visualization experience.

  • [app] To streamline the entity creation process, the system now automatically pre-populates the singular title, icon, and color fields by default, reducing the need for manual input and enhancing user convenience.

  • [api] Resolved a problem with the OpenAPI link definition for SDKs that was previously incorrect, particularly when managing relationships between entities, thereby improving the accuracy and reliability of API integrations.

  • [api] Introduced a new entity blueprint specifically designed for "Tags," enabling more structured and efficient tagging capabilities within the system without the need of "Social Tags" fixed entity.

  • [webbuilder] Resolved a problem related to setting the primary language in site configuration, ensuring that the website accurately reflects the chosen language.

Update #175 (01.03.2024)

  • [app] Enhanced lazy loading behavior for various fields such as entity, entities, file, and files, significantly improving user experience by reducing unnecessary API calls and thus enhancing the app's responsiveness and efficiency.

  • [app] Resolved an issue where YouTube embed videos were not generating the correct URLs prefixed with "embed.", ensuring that embedded videos load correctly and reliably within the application.

  • [app] Introduced a new Flyo Co-Pilot feature that allows users to delete automation tasks, providing greater control over automation workflows and facilitating easier management of automated processes.

  • [app] Fixed a problem where newly created Nitro integration pages failed to appear in the CMS pages' select dropdown menu for redirects, ensuring that users can seamlessly integrate and manage new pages within their workflows.

  • [api] Added a functionality to rename OpenAI connections, allowing developers to organize and manage their OpenAI integrations more effectively by assigning more descriptive or relevant names.

  • [api] Addressed a bug where the href attribute for a Nitro page was incorrectly set when defined as "redirect," ensuring that the redirection links are accurately calculated and function as intended.

  • [api] Improved the Nitro page and config response by incorporating missing language information, which enhances the API's usability by providing clearer context and support for multilingual content.

  • [api] Fixed an issue with the incorrect specification of OpenAPI language parameters, ensuring that the API documentation and client generation are more accurate and in line with international standards.

Update #174 (23.02.2024)

  • [app] We are excited to announce the Alpha release of the Flyo Co-Pilot function, exclusively available to a select group of users. This innovative feature introduces the capability to streamline and automate entity item management, utilizing a sophisticated set of customizable rules and prompts designed to enhance user productivity and workflow efficiency.

  • [app] The Nitro CMS integration has been significantly upgraded to support multilingual site configurations, marking a milestone in our commitment to providing versatile web development tools. This advancement enables developers and content managers to effortlessly create and maintain websites in multiple languages, all within a unified Nitro CMS environment, thereby simplifying the management of diverse content and enhancing global reach.

  • [app] The JSON field now supports nested objects, facilitating the storage of complex data structures in a single field.

  • [app] Enhancements to the Nitro integration setup process allow for a quicker understanding of the necessary configurations.

  • [app] The statistics section has been revamped, extending the entity-based filter across all sections, mirroring the functionality of the integration group-based filter.

  • [api] The Nitro API now identifies the language as the site's current active language and primary_language as the site's main language when no language is specified. It's now possible to request content in a specific language using ?lang=de, provided it's included in the site's multilingual configuration.

Update #173 (16.02.2024)

  • [app] It's now possible to delete a single network within a social media connection. This feature is useful for removing a specific network from a connection that should not be utilized within Flyo, even if it's linked to the authorizing account.

  • [app] We have unified the behavior of color, date, and datetime pickers. The value is only emitted if the "use" button is clicked; otherwise, the value is not emitted into the form. This change addresses a common issue where users would change values, close the input without confirmation, and the value was still emitted into the form, potentially leading to unintended changes made for "testing" purposes.

  • [app] We've improved and unified the behavior of color, date, datetime, and icon fields to ensure a more consistent experience when opening and closing these inputs using modals and close buttons.

  • [app] Fixed an issue in the WYSIWYG editor where the bubble menu was not visible, enhancing the editing experience.

  • [app] Added content mapping filters and made improvements in editing values within multiple input type fields. These changes now trigger a Nitro integration data refresh, ensuring data consistency.

  • [app] Unified the views for Nitro block editing accordions for configuration, content, slots, and content mapping, streamlining the editing process.

  • [api] Introduced new content mapping filters for date & datetime attributes. It's now possible to display only the month or day name, and there's also the option to fully customize the date format using ICU formatting options.

  • [api] Added a new strip tags content mapping filter, which can be enabled for WYSIWYG fields. This filter effectively removes all HTML tags from the content, ensuring clean text output.

  • [api] Ensured the Mailjet template does not encode HTML inputs. This fix addresses an issue where the metric tracking pixel was encoded, which previously led to tracking failures.

  • [api] Fixed an issue where sorting did not correctly handle lower and uppercase letters, ensuring that sorting such as A, B, a is now correctly applied as A, a, B.

  • [api] Integration queue jobs now properly apply the language formatter from integration language settings, ensuring accurate language-specific formatting.